Thursday, July 26, 2012

Rice porridge for my baby ...


Amal is now going to be 7 months, I have to consistently gives her rice porridge. Setakat bagi puree tu memanglah senang sangat kekdahnya, tapi sampai bila.. kesian dia...  Tengah fikir and cuba the easiest way of preparing the bubur and yet, still yummy and nutritious. And...

I am not gonna buy the slow cooker, penuh nanti my kitchen counter, 

and also 

I am not gonna boil them everyday. Tak sempat pagi- pagi nak buat..

and also 

I am not gonna give her the instant cereal... No..No..!!!

Hmm... I think, she just eat nasi yang masak untuk the family aje lah. Just blend the nasi. As for the ingredient  what i'll do is to prepare stok ikan bilis. Macam mana nak buat? Senang aje camni...

1. Ikan bilis tu kena rendam AT LEAST 1- 2 hours buang masinnya

2. Then sangaikan without oil. 

3. Blend

4. Tadaaa.. jadilah dia stok ikan bilis...

Sorry, semua gambar ni dari pakcik google. The source, I couldn't remember.. 

Nampak senangkan.. tapi sendiri pun tak buat lagi... ngehngehngehhh...

Maybe, what i'll do.. 

1. pagi- pagi I will steam a vegetables (pumpkin ke, carrot ke..bayam ke..)
2. Blend them with nasi
3. Taburkan stok bilis. 
4. Tada.. siap stok untuk hantar ke rumah baby sitter and for dinner. (Breakfast kalau tak sempat makan oat je leee..). 

For the storage pulak, I am thinking of these..

1. Baby cubes 4oz. I loves the practicality of baby cubes. Tapi cuma bentuknya, susah pulak nanti the baby sitter nak panaskan dlm warmer
2. Phillip Avents storage (10 pcs). This is ok depite very expensive. Cuma 10 pcs tu I guess is too much.  I won't do the porridge stock as much I stock the puree... 

3. MAM storage solutions (5pcs). 

I guess I will have this MAM sbb  it's just 5 pcs. Tapi nak kena tengok dulu. Nantilah curi- curi masa tengok benda ni live macam mana then I will decide..(Adui, nak pilih food storage pun mcm nak beli rumah ye... hehehee..).

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