Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Caution, Thesis Writing in Progress!


It's been 4 years since I enrolled my PhD program. Too many challenges and hardship along the way until I reached this stage. Anyone who has been through, will understand the situation. High level of patience and perseverance are important. Those challenges, sometimes really struck me (can view my early years challenges in here http://islamandbusiness.blogspot.com). Those that really..hurmm what can I say... can easily make me withdraw from the program. But, nevertheless all these, has changed me, changed my life and changed my perspective towards the world and everything... Alhamdullilah. 

Really..? Hehee.. That was me in my early days/ years of PhD
Married with kids.. we need to deal life with wisdom. Have a balance life.. with kids, hubby, families, friends, communities,  and shall I say shopping too...hehee.. and the list goes on..blablablaaa...

Ok.. this is my stage now. Please be careful with me! Hehee..

So these are my theraphy when I feel down:

1. Listen to dzikir (i love to listen to Talib Al Habib) 
2. Take ablution and solat
3. Recite Al Quran

One of my fav- Hasbunallah by Hazamin. 

Kalimataan- Talib Al Habib. Try to listen this... Subhanallah..

"Ya Allah permudahkanlah dan berkatilah urusan dan berikanlah kemudahan dari setiap bentuk dan sudut..Aamin"

Smile and always be positive... May this be a happy journey for me towards achieving excellence and success.. Aamiin..

Wallahualam and Wasalam

1 comment:

Denise Salter said...

So, did you already complete your degree? Well, from the looks of it, you already had the things on the home base. It can certainly be a thesis help desk for other people who are researching on the same field as you. Maybe publishing it online can be good, if you want to share your work that is.