Saturday, October 13, 2012

Alhamdullilah.. wasyukurillah..


Again, another entry for today...

As i mentioned in my previous entry, now i'm listening to Prof Muhaya on IKIM. I realized, there are various types of human kind. The same applies to their problems. Ya Allah.. I feel very sorry and pity to them. All sorts of challenge... MasyaAllah.

Prof Muhaya did mentioned, a fortunate and bless woman possess

1. Faith to Allah
2. Husband
3. Steady economy
4. Children

Subhanallah, Alhamdullilah.. wasyukurillah.. too many blessings God has bestowed upon me. 

"Ya Allah, grant us peace and perseverance through our life "

~Always, see the world around with positive thoughts~

Alhamdullilah.. wasyukurillah.. Amal Basyirah, anak solehah, al hafizah... Aamiin..(this is a song that we always sing to my dear daughter)

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