Saturday, July 14, 2012

My breastfeeding journey ...part 2

Assalamualaikum and have a great Friday everyone.. 

Again... entry about my breastfeeding journey. 

I love to search info on bf matters (apa lagi.. guna pakcik google la). There’s many info and tips which I try very hard to follow. One of the tips is to pump religiously. Yup..!! That is what I am doing. I put on my telekung while pumping in my PhD room. Some of my colleagues were curious and asked me.. "do you feel cold, I will off the aircond". Oh, please do not off the aircond... panas nanti.. hehee. Tapi the most geli statement is.. "You have changed your style, do you?  Covered everything...". Adoooii laa pak Arab2 ni... kang aku cakap tgh pump terbeliak pulak bijik mata diorang... Lantak laaa...

Layan gambar and the story aje laa... 

Sessi pumping

Picture credit to . I wake up very early now as early as 5am. Main purpose is to do my pumping. Bagus juga, at least I can perform my Solat Sunat and recite Al- Quran while waiting for Solat Subuh. Alhamdullilah....syukur

Everyday stock for my baby at babysitter's. 4 bottles of fresh milk and a home made baby puree. Thanks to Lelayong for sharing me her tips on bf as well as milk storing. Syukur pada Allah...

 Let me share here among of her tips
1. Power pumping- everyday between 1am to 6am. 
2. Mana yang nak bagi baby sitter, just put at a chiller section. That's the best!

Tada...!! Senyum sampai ke telinga... :).

At last, I owned this gadget, Medela Freestyle. Bought yesterday from Farha with 1 year warranty. Alhamdullilah..alhamdullilah. alhamdullilah.. seronok tak terkata... Maybe berkat doa minta dipermudahkan untuk menyusukan Amal Basyirah until 2 yo. Jadi sekarang, my Medela Swing buat back up (I still heart my swing, penyelamat tu..).

I will put on my review about this gadget. But bila tak tahu laa.. Many things to catch. This Monday I will present on my latest progress at my faculty doctoral colloquium, prepare slide for research progress (grant) and etc. Itu yang kena pakai pump yang efficient and fast. But after 3 times of usage..."baby, I'm in loveee!!!!" heheee...

Semoga Allah murahkan rezeki dan permudahkan all dear mommies untuk bf our baby up to 2yo.. Mengikut apa yang telah disyariatkan didalam Al- Quran.. Aamiin... 

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