Urrmmm... this is what I am thinking of. Until when I wanna bz my life and let my kids with the maid and hubby..?? Since Harith time, I was bz with my MBA. I have to left Kimi and Harith coz I have to work and complete my MBA. After completed my Master, I was bz with taking care of acquisition in Northern. I was in Nor then most of my time esp Ipoh and Penang. Hmmm....
Then I got Hadif. Hikhikhik sempat gak tau....Thought things can be better... however, my ex bosses sees my potential and made me as his successor. That was a BIG Opportunity and just irresistible.
Being a leader is not easy. And once again, with my bz life. Huh... ok.. that was my history.... once resigned from Digi, seeking for better life quality. But was caught in boredom and, here now, I'm in KL (lagi jauh dari umah), Umobile. Work wise is ok, tapi jauh sket lah. But now I am pursuing my PhD. AND AGAIN with my bz life.
I do hope, once completed my PhD, I can achieve both, quality time and MONEY (this is my supervisor's words). He convinced me to finish it early as I can. Doc, thanx for your encouragement and advice. ;p.
Pls pray for me....
tabik springggg ngan ko..!hihihi..
alahaiii..bukan main tangkap lentok lg tiga abdul ko tu....haha!
harharhar... malu makcik ngko baca luahan hati ku ini... hiks...
kalu terlentok nampak la baiknye...kalu idak..hmmm.. tuhan ajek yg tahu!
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