Thursday, September 27, 2012

Conference 2012


My paper has been accepted (either extended abstract or full paper) in ICIMB 2012. I've presented in the same conference back in 2010. It was in KL. But this time, it will be held in Brunel Uni of London. Wow.. great experience I would say, meeting people from different background, sharing each other knowledge.. etc. 

Now, I am go or not to go.. I really want to go, It's either

1. To bring the whole family - we have a very HUGE plan for next year. Need to save for that. 
2. Me and Amal (as she is fully bf)-  No, it's impossible. I will not be able to join the conference and present
3. Me, hubby and Amal - Depends on hubby's schedule. 
4. Me alone - Huhuhu... x best!!

I have yet to discuss this with my SV- Prof MD. Will see how the plan goes... 

"Ya Allah, ubun2 ke dalam genggaman mu, bimbinglah daku, berikanlah petunjuk dan hidayah kepada ku di dalam membuat keputusan yang tebaik", Aamiin..."


## By the way, I've been to that Brunel's place last year. It's located at Uxbridge and actually we've stayed while we were in London. In fact, I've met the Malaysian penghulu (for the Brunel's student) in London!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Doa Mohon Diatasi Berbagai Kesulitan

This morning, I listened to IKIM.FM while driving back home from UM. It was a good sharing from Ustazah Nor Hafizah Musa, a lecturer from UTM on the topic - Pendidikan dan Penghayatan Akhlak. 

She shared some tips and doa as well. In fact she wrote the doa on the comment in IKIM.FM FB's wall.  Let me share it here.. (copy paste ye...)

" Ya Allah, sesungguhnya aku adalah hambaMu, anak hamba-Mu ( lelaki) dan anak hambaMu (perempuan). Ubun2ku di dalam genggamanMu, hukumanMu berlaku kepadaku, ketetapan (qada') Mu adalah adil,aku memohon kepadaMu dgn setiap nama yg Engkau telah berikan utk diriMu atau yg Engkau telah berikan untuk diriMu atau yg Engkau turunkan dalam kitabMu, atau yg Engkau ajarkan kpd seseorang drpd makhlukMu atau yg Engkau simpankan dlm perbndaharaan ghaib drpd ilmuMu, agar Engkau jadikan al quran sbg penyejuk hatiku, cahaya dadaku, pelenyap dukaku dan penghilang kesedihanku."

~ riwayat ibnu hibban. Kdg2 ustzh amal, bila ada apa2 saja yg mencabar, susah, sedih..... kita katalah " ya Allah, ubun2ku dlm genggamanMu...bimbinglah aku Ya Allah"...

To me, it was a great doa. It's actually inside one of my fav doa book by Johari Alias (1995). Sangat terkesan ye bila membacanya. 

the cover

the doa..titled "Doa Mohon Diatasi Berbagai Kesulitan"

Malay version

Few times, I gave this book to friends. Jadi selalu lah on off baca doa tu, sbb x de stock. Jadi tadi I bought 2 sets kat PKNS. One is for me and another one is for my SV.

I have another doa which I think is very good, dalam buku tu jugak. The title is "Doa mohon dapat membayar hutang yang berat". Before this, after dhuha I used to recite this doa. Untill one day... crossed in my mind..."eh.. betullah.. I don't have any big hutang...". I paid full my car, I paid full my cc, now I prefer cash, and i have no problem with it...". Best kan...

Alhamdullilah, wasyukurillah, dengan izin Allah.. 

This is the doa...

So, the conclusion is.. rajin- rajin lah berdoa ... :)
