Friday, July 27, 2012

Bila buat kerja kat rumah...


Since our baby sitter is on leave this week, I work from home this week. Mencabar betul! Sebab asik- asik nak tido especially now is Ramadhan (chewah.. salahkan puasa, padahal memang kaki tido..hehe). Also, I like to golek- golek direct bf ngan my baby. Lagi satu, pukul 11 lebih Hadif balik.. Ooohh.. macam- macam dia buat ye nanti yang boleh mencabar keimanan, tapi sabar aje laaaa...Anak tu anugerah dan tanggungjawab kita dari Allah..

I tried not to use buaian for my baby.. nak dia tido bawah aje. Yes, she can, tapi sekejap aje... So, this week, the buaian is officially ada kat tengah rumah (tapi bila petang tarik balik pergi belakang). Kat mana I do my work kat situ lah ada buaian. I bf her untill lalok nak tido then put her in the buaian.. enjut- enjut sikit, then terus tido... Macam ni la ghupanya ye

Buaian turun temurun dari anak pertama, termasuklah kain biru tu. So, takdelah pink kaler..

Dalam buaian menyanyi- nyanyi...

Selamat dah. Dia memang suka tido tergolek camtu. My MIL said "kemeklah hidung dia nanti". InsyaAllah taklah... heheee

Actually, my work station is at upstairs.. Means printer, scanner, desktop, and all my references stuff semua kat atas. Tapi tak sesuai to put the buaian over there..I have to put the buaian inside our room. Maakk aii.. that's really comfy. Dalam bilik tido, anak tido, maknya pun melayang tido. Bukak pulak aircond.. Aduiii, kuyu je mata. Jadi conclusionnya, buat aje le kat bawah.. a bit messy lah rumah. Tapi takpelah lepas tu kemaslah balik (hehee.. ye ke..?). So, lepas ada Amal Basyirah ni, work station tu macam layu aje, tak digunakan...kesian kan

Jadi, sekarang ibu kena chaiyok- chaiyok menulis sebelum abang Hadif balik!!!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Rice porridge for my baby ...


Amal is now going to be 7 months, I have to consistently gives her rice porridge. Setakat bagi puree tu memanglah senang sangat kekdahnya, tapi sampai bila.. kesian dia...  Tengah fikir and cuba the easiest way of preparing the bubur and yet, still yummy and nutritious. And...

I am not gonna buy the slow cooker, penuh nanti my kitchen counter, 

and also 

I am not gonna boil them everyday. Tak sempat pagi- pagi nak buat..

and also 

I am not gonna give her the instant cereal... No..No..!!!

Hmm... I think, she just eat nasi yang masak untuk the family aje lah. Just blend the nasi. As for the ingredient  what i'll do is to prepare stok ikan bilis. Macam mana nak buat? Senang aje camni...

1. Ikan bilis tu kena rendam AT LEAST 1- 2 hours buang masinnya

2. Then sangaikan without oil. 

3. Blend

4. Tadaaa.. jadilah dia stok ikan bilis...

Sorry, semua gambar ni dari pakcik google. The source, I couldn't remember.. 

Nampak senangkan.. tapi sendiri pun tak buat lagi... ngehngehngehhh...

Maybe, what i'll do.. 

1. pagi- pagi I will steam a vegetables (pumpkin ke, carrot ke..bayam ke..)
2. Blend them with nasi
3. Taburkan stok bilis. 
4. Tada.. siap stok untuk hantar ke rumah baby sitter and for dinner. (Breakfast kalau tak sempat makan oat je leee..). 

For the storage pulak, I am thinking of these..

1. Baby cubes 4oz. I loves the practicality of baby cubes. Tapi cuma bentuknya, susah pulak nanti the baby sitter nak panaskan dlm warmer
2. Phillip Avents storage (10 pcs). This is ok depite very expensive. Cuma 10 pcs tu I guess is too much.  I won't do the porridge stock as much I stock the puree... 

3. MAM storage solutions (5pcs). 

I guess I will have this MAM sbb  it's just 5 pcs. Tapi nak kena tengok dulu. Nantilah curi- curi masa tengok benda ni live macam mana then I will decide..(Adui, nak pilih food storage pun mcm nak beli rumah ye... hehehee..).

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Oat and Kurma for my baby...

Assalamualaikum and Selamat berpuasa everybody

Ok, this time, my entry adalah sangat lapuk. It's been 2 weeks actually since I've made oat and kurma for my baby Amal. Tapi tak sempat nak upload. So far, my baby loves this so much. Makan sampai licin. Maybe because its sweetness. And the best part, this recipe is the most simplest ever! Yet it's yummy and goooood. I just boil them together and then blend. See, how easy...  ^-^

Come, take a look how it's look like. 

Oat + kurma

two portions.

Oppss .. this is not about oat and kurma. This is one week puree stock for my baby. It's pumpkin and carrot puree.  Just warm them and add with EBM. baby loves them..The baby cubes really save my day, easy and practical. 

My sooo attached baby...Amal Basyirah

Since she likes the kurma very much, yesterday this lazy mother made her rice + kurma + ebm. heheee... lagi senang. Masak nasi for the family buka puasa. Then I took about 1 scoop and blend with kurma. Sedap jugak...campurkan EBM, double sedap.. licin! Cuma bila I frozed them, the texture seems different. Not so fine anymore. Tapi habis lah jugak... ^-^

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Smile and be positive.. :)

Assalamualaikum and Salam Ramadhan everybody!!

My daily routine were quite busy recently. Woke up at 4am. To settle on the sahur, and my self been trying to do my write up before subuh (still unsuccessful, aduyyaii), do my pumping, and many other things. And after 6am my baby will wake up, prepare her breakfast, and etc. So by the time I send her to a baby sitter, she's done with shower, breakfast, drink milk, bersih tinggal tido aje.. senang!  But the most pity is my eldest, the school bus arrived before 6.30am. Hakimi's is at 7.10am and Hadif, ayah dia hantar sendiri pi sekolah at 7.30am. 

Every day I will pick up my kiddos before 6pm. Tapi bulan ramadhan ni I pick them up at 5pm. Rushing from UM. Balik terus masak2... Bagi my kids and baby makan, kemas2.. and quickly clean my self for solat Maghrib jemaah. Phewwww... heheee. Nasib bulan ramadhan, kalau hari biasa, the kiddos naik kereta dah jerit2 "lapar, lapar, lapar!!". Aduhhh... semua kena double laju!

A bit release for this ramadhan, I don't need to prepare breakfast for the boys. Makan sahur aje. If during weekend pun, such a bliss.. tak payah masak and kemas... That's the most critical part, not on the cooking part but on cleaning the mess. Kalau Hakimi makan satu dapur penuh nasi! Mmg kena mop satu rumah lah. 

Another person is Hadif... a boy with many things in his head. Sepah and melekit satu rumah kalau dia ada... With his experiment lah, itu lah ini lah... belum lagi buat air, buat nestum sendiri. And I was surprised yesterday, I found a mug full of water (ice) and topping with kurma, dibalut dengan tissue dalam freezer.. No wonder, I have to pick up many tissues sepah2 dalam rumah. And last two days, I don't know what was in his mind, habis 2 bottles of Amal's Sebamed baby shower and 1 bottle shampoo. Totally empty! Sabar aje lah...Kenalah beli yang baru...Hari ni aje, Hadif sudah masukkan a kitten dlm deep freezer.. Seriau ibu!!

And now, while I am writing this blog, my baby tengah nangis2 minta dukung. She's now very the manja, she recognised people around her. And totally reject other people, only her Ibu. Layan ajee laa..Btw, this week the baby sitter is on leave since there's a case of penyakit kuku dan mulut happened. I have to be at home looking after the kiddos. 

I do admit, taking care our kiddos mmg mencabar and memerlukan kesabaran yang tinggi.. What I wrote here is just a part and parcel of the story. Belum cerita lebih2 lagi...Being maidless, with busy husband... my work, my theses, baby, the boys, house chores, being a daughter to my parents, a grandchild to my granny, a DIL to my PIL... and etc.. (hehe, sometimes I do over, right?). 

I do salute those people with many kids, and yet they are multi tasking. Hope I can be like one of them. InsyaAllah..I am trying to be a good mother, tak nak marah- marah (this really challenged me, with the boys in the house?? huh!), jaga mulut, do not yell to the kiddos, make sure the house is clean, cook them a good food and etc. I hope i can take all these responsibilities well. Smile and always be positive, InsyaAllah...

Semoga Allah permudahkan segala urusan dalam membesarkan anak- kami. Semoga mereka menjadi anak- anak yang soleh dan solehah, berjaya dunia dan akhirat, sihat sempurna dan mejadi penyejuk jiwa, hati dan mata kami... Aamiinn

Holding my baby while writing this blog.... Macam- macam dia nak tarik... :)

p/s: Subhanallah, berkat nama "Basyirah" means 'PEMBAWA BERITA GEMBIRA', memang Ayah and Ibu sentiasa gembira especially when looking at her..Rezeki Allah kurniakan pun semakin mencurah- curah.. Alhamdullilah, Syukur...

Monday, July 16, 2012

what a huh!!


My washing machine buat hal since yesterday. That's the cons for front loading washer, it's damn sensitive.   (i'm currently using Elextrolux washing machine). Baju dah lah banyak nak basuh, approx 2 times of washing everyday. 

So, this morning, we've decided to send our bundles of clothes to laundry. You know, how much it cost us.. RM48. Mak aiiii... hehee.. But the best part, basuh siap lipat..ohhh what a bliss!!!!

Ok, that's what I call as kebahagiaan dalam keperitan... hehee.. 

Saturday, July 14, 2012

My breastfeeding journey ...part 2

Assalamualaikum and have a great Friday everyone.. 

Again... entry about my breastfeeding journey. 

I love to search info on bf matters (apa lagi.. guna pakcik google la). There’s many info and tips which I try very hard to follow. One of the tips is to pump religiously. Yup..!! That is what I am doing. I put on my telekung while pumping in my PhD room. Some of my colleagues were curious and asked me.. "do you feel cold, I will off the aircond". Oh, please do not off the aircond... panas nanti.. hehee. Tapi the most geli statement is.. "You have changed your style, do you?  Covered everything...". Adoooii laa pak Arab2 ni... kang aku cakap tgh pump terbeliak pulak bijik mata diorang... Lantak laaa...

Layan gambar and the story aje laa... 

Sessi pumping

Picture credit to . I wake up very early now as early as 5am. Main purpose is to do my pumping. Bagus juga, at least I can perform my Solat Sunat and recite Al- Quran while waiting for Solat Subuh. Alhamdullilah....syukur

Everyday stock for my baby at babysitter's. 4 bottles of fresh milk and a home made baby puree. Thanks to Lelayong for sharing me her tips on bf as well as milk storing. Syukur pada Allah...

 Let me share here among of her tips
1. Power pumping- everyday between 1am to 6am. 
2. Mana yang nak bagi baby sitter, just put at a chiller section. That's the best!

Tada...!! Senyum sampai ke telinga... :).

At last, I owned this gadget, Medela Freestyle. Bought yesterday from Farha with 1 year warranty. Alhamdullilah..alhamdullilah. alhamdullilah.. seronok tak terkata... Maybe berkat doa minta dipermudahkan untuk menyusukan Amal Basyirah until 2 yo. Jadi sekarang, my Medela Swing buat back up (I still heart my swing, penyelamat tu..).

I will put on my review about this gadget. But bila tak tahu laa.. Many things to catch. This Monday I will present on my latest progress at my faculty doctoral colloquium, prepare slide for research progress (grant) and etc. Itu yang kena pakai pump yang efficient and fast. But after 3 times of usage..."baby, I'm in loveee!!!!" heheee...

Semoga Allah murahkan rezeki dan permudahkan all dear mommies untuk bf our baby up to 2yo.. Mengikut apa yang telah disyariatkan didalam Al- Quran.. Aamiin... 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

My everyday routine... oh my shoulder...!!

Assalamualaikum ...

Back to my normal routine. Keluar pagi.. balik petang. 

As mentioned in my previous entry about my report duty, yes, now I have an official room in the faculty. It's  a sharing basis. Tak kisahlah. As long I have my own private workstation (senang nak buat kerja pump- pump ni..). It has a high divider anyway. Won't disturb the neighbour. 

This morning I went to the room, just to check whether my PC is ready. PC dah ada, tapi sekali tanya the technician.. dia kata ada virus. Still unable to use. Jadi teruslah ke citycam to my PhD room. Lagi comfy cuma a lil bit of travelling la. 

Ni actually nak cerita pasal my shoulder yg kena hangkut segala mak nenek bag.

Heheee.. Oh my shoulder, please be kind to me... be strong, ok... 

See here, apa yang kena hangkut everyday...

Ni la my everyday stuff. 
1. Handbag.. multifunction bag ye. It is a big bag, mcm bag doraemon. Boleh letak buku, lappy, and etc... 
2. Breast pump bag (the black color- also a big size bag), even a cooler bag is inside there. 
3. Water bottle - 1500ml. Bf/ pumping mothers should consume a lot more fluid.
4. A thick theses- Not mine, of course. 

Dalam my breast pump bag. Bag dalam bag..

My hand bag. 

Tadaaaa..Oh.. yang ini bukan bag ye.. tapi still kena hangkut merata, macam hand bag jugak. Yang ini my baby Amal. We had doctor visit this morning for her vaccine. Tu yang muka sedih sbb tau nak kena cucuk kot. Tapi takpe, she's a strong and healthy baby. Alhamdullilah. 

Dasyatnya Tenaga Doa

Doa merupakan kekuatan dan tenaga yang tiada taranya kerana ia berhubung dengan Zat Yang Maha Kuasa. Doa bagi seorang mukmin adalah senjata (wasilah) kerana tidak ada perlindungan dan daya kecuali dari ALLAH SWT. Doa adalah ibadah. Doa adalah senjata. Doa adalah benteng. Doa adalah ubat. Doa adalah pintu segala kebaikan.
Dari Ali bin Abi Thalib ra, Rasulullah Shollallahu Alaihi Wassalam bersabda:
“Doa adalah senjata orang beriman, tiang agama dan cahaya langit dan bumi.
Kekuatan atau kedahsyatan doa bagi seorang muslim tidak dapat dinafikan lagi. Doa adalah senjata buat kaum muslimin, Ad Du‟au Silahul Mu‟min. Di saat canggihnya pelbagai mesin dan persenjataan abad moden ini, strategi dan kaedah peperangan, kekuatan dan kedahsyatan doa tetap tidak dinafikan dan hanya dimiliki oleh orang-orang beriman. Hal ini disebabkan orang-orang yang beriman selain daripada berusaha semaksima mungkin dalam setiap amal yang dilakukannya, dia juga tidak pernah lupa menggantungkan seluruh usahanya melalui doa kepada ALLAH S.W.T. Doa adalah senjata buat orang-orang mukmin, yang telah ditauladankan dari para Nabi dan Rasul, para sahabat, salafus sholeh.
Doa itu mampu mengubah yang tidak mungkin menjadi mungkin, yang biasa-biasa menjadi tidak terkata, yang berat jadi ringan, yang jauh menjadi dekat. Itulah dahsyatnya kekuatan doa. Dengan doa segalanya menjadi mungkin atas izin ALLAH S.W.T.
Sesungguhnya perintah-Nya apabila Dia menghendaki sesuatu hanyalah berkata kepadanya:
“Jadilah!” maka terjadilah ia. (Surah 36 : Yaasin : 82)
Sesungguhnya perkataan Kami terhadap sesuatu apabila Kami menghendakinya, Kami hanya mengatakan kepadanya:
“Kun (jadilah)”, maka jadilah ia. (Surah 16 : An Nahl : 40)
Kesilapan Berdoa :
1. Orang yang tidak pernah berdoa dikala susah dan senang
Dan Tuhanmu berfirman:
“Berdoalah kepada-Ku, nescaya akan Kuperkenankan bagimu. Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang menyombongkan diri dari menyembah-Ku akan masuk neraka Jahanam dalam keadaan hina dina”. (Surah 40 : Al Mukmin : 60)
2. Orang yang berdoa ketika sedang menghadapi kesulitan, walaupaun dia terlepas dari kesulitan yang dialami dirinya mereka seolah-olah lupa pernah berdoa kepada ALLAH S.W.T untuk melepaskan diri mereka daripada kesulitan tersebut.
Dan apabila manusia ditimpa bahaya dia berdoa kepada Kami dalam keadaan berbaring, duduk atau berdiri, tetapi setelah Kami hilangkan bahaya itu daripadanya, dia (kembali) melalui (jalannya yang sesat), seolah-olah dia tidak pernah berdoa kepada Kami untuk (menghilangkan) bahaya yang telah menimpanya. Begitulah orang-orang yang melampaui batas itu memandang baik apa yang selalu mereka kerjakan. (Surah 10 : Yunus : 12)
3. Orang yang berdoa bergantung kepada suasana hatinya
4. Orang yang pernah berdoa tetapi menghentikan doanya kerana berputus asa (doanya tidak dikabul)
Dari Abu Hurairah Radhiyallahu ‘anhu bahwasanya Nabi S.A.W bersabda :
Do’a seorang hamba akan selalu dikabulkan selagi tidak memohon sesuatu yang berdosa atau pemutusan kerabat, atau tidak tergesa-gesa. Mereka bertanya : Apa yang dimaksud tergesa-gesa ? Beliau menjawab : ” Dia berkata ; Saya berdoa berkali-kali tidak dikabulkan, lalu dia merasa menyesal kemudian meninggalkan doa”. (H.R. Muslim).
5. Orang yang selalu berdoa dikala susah mahupun senang dan tidak pernah putus asa dari rahmat ALLAH S.W.T
Hai manusia, kamulah yang berkehendak kepada Allah; dan Allah Dia-lah Yang Maha Kaya (tidak memerlukan sesuatu) lagi Maha Terpuji. (Surah 35 : Faathir : 15)


Monday, July 9, 2012

First day of my report duty... ^-^

Assalamualaikum and hope everybody is happy..

Today is 9 July 2012... hmm... what!!!! How time flies. Ok, ok.. Wake up, wake up everybody. Ibu is going to work today... wake up and prepare your self!

Hee.. sounds so panic right? Actually I have prepared  and settled most of my part yesterday. So, my morning won't be so kelam kabut. Let's see my yesterday's preparation...

1. Laundry and the related stuff (sidai, angkat, lipat.. huh!!)
2. Ironing (my office attire - enuff for 5 days and the kiddos uniform)
3. Cloth bag for my Baby Amal and Hadif for one week terus. 
4. Baby amal's home made frozen food. Last week she had pumpkin puree, so this week I made carrot puree for her. 
5. Frozen pumpkin (chopped)- For my next puree preparation. Senang, nak buat terus amik aje then masuk dlm steamer and blend. Isn't that easy and great?  
6. My breastpump bag. (Complete with nursing shawl, small towel, icepack, cooler bag, bottles and of course my breastpump). 
7. Lappy and the related stuff.. 

hmm what else... yg lain2 tu biasa lah the normal house wife and mothers chores...

So, this morning, I woke up at 5am. Bangun buat lah apa yang patut- patut.. eg amik wudhu', solat ke... and mengaji sambil pump. After solat Subuh, my baby bangun, so startla tandem pumping with my baby. I really like to do tandem pumping, it can increase my milk supply. 

My baby had her breakfast and shower very early this morning. By 7am she's done with bf and shower! Kesian.... Takpe after that she can relax2 and tido sampai rumah baby sitter. Ibu straight zoom to UM meredah jam. Layankan aje...

Traffic at Batu Tiga takes me about 30 minutes

As usual... the well known Federal Highway.. takes me about.....huh! Please do not ask...

I reached UM by 9.15am. Went straight to the counter and asked for my department's PA. Hehe... she's on leave. What should I do?.... Nak jumpa sv and Head of Department, semua tak sampai lagi...Takpe, had breakfast then I managed to meet the Head of Dept.  After chit chatting, apa lagiiii... BALIK terussss.... bilik belum ada maaa...hehe...

Ok... that's basically the story of my report duty day.... Sangat fruitful kan.. heheee... 

Allahumma Rabbi Yassir Wala Tu'Asir... 

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Supplement for breast feeding


Ramadhan is just around the corner. Dalam tak sabar menanti ramadhan, I'm a bit worried on my milk supply. I have to maintain bf no matter what it is. After googled around, I am interested with Shaklee set for breast feeding mommies. It has good testimonial too. At last, I got mine from here. She is my Auntie's friend in Bank negara. A good service, i can say. Apa- apa, I just text her message. She will reply immediately. Bagus kan...

trial Set B

The set includes of vitalea (multivit), alfafa (milk booster), vit c, vit  b complx, and ESP soy protein. I didn't buy calcium because I just bought one from Watson. 

I've started taking this supplement since last night. As for the result, hmm.. I think berbaloi jugak beli. I got double oz when pumping this afternoon. Isn't that great??? I loiikeee.. 

For those who like to get info on bf, pls read Very- very informative. 

Friday, July 6, 2012

It's vaccine time for my baby Amal

Assalamualaikum and hope everybody is doing fine...

Heheee.. sorry for being so jakun. Pasal vaccine pun nak update in blog...

Last week, Amal had her rotavirus and pneumococcal vaccinations. It's actually due for her 4th month. Aduiiyaaaii..pity my baby. We are supposed to bring her last month (err.. or last two months?), but all that has been delayed because of our trip to Singapore and Jakarta. Also, she was having fever by the time we brought her to the Doctor last time. Now, semuanya sudah delay, including her mandatory vaccinations. Takpe.. after this, we will be on time ye, InsyaAllah...

Meh layan her pics during our visit to doctor..
Amal before her jap.. 

ok lagi laa..

what are we supposed to do here Ibu..?

Still not knowing that she's gonna get her jap .. Ouucchhh.. Ada la nanges sikit. But after a while, she was doing fine. Strong my baby, kecik2 cili padi ye... 

Oppss.. tetiba ada gambar makanan.. motiff..??

After delivered my baby, my diet menu has changed. Before this, I don't take heavy meals during lunch. Normally I had a noodles or any light food, not like my hubby ... asik2 nasi... But now semua dah terbalik. I need to take nasi or heavy meals coz asik2 lapar. And I do admit that I eat a lot now. May I blame on bf factor? hahahaa....You see from the pic. He ate noodles and me... full plate of nasi. And of course  with my kopi o'.. Walla...

Letting go my Medela Swing, tip top condition


Semoga semuanya sihat dan sentiasa di bawah lembayung rahmat Allah.

You see my title up there..

yup!! i want to let go my new breast pump medela swing. Tip top condition lagi, which I just bought on 1 Jun 2012. Very good pump I can say, with two phase of stimulation. I was extremely shocked and happy when first time with Swing.. wah so canggih la nowadays..  :)

Reason why I want to let go? 

I know, Swing is one of the best breast pump in the market, handy, cute, and i can say it's pricey too. But I can't resist to have Medela freestyle, a small gadget with double pumping. The price is x3 than Medela Swing. Phewww...If I buy that, I am thinking how is my Hari Raya shopping for this year...(Should I buy Gucci Hand bag or Medela fs.. Gucci.. Fs.. Gucci ... fs.... hmm..anything for you my dear Amal Basyirah Binti Ahmad Firdaus). But it is highly recommended to have double pumping if we want to have full and exclusive bf our baby. And I want that! I really really want to bf my Baby Amal until she is 2 yo. InsyaAllah, Allah will grant my pray.. Aamiin... 

Sommore, i will report duty on next week, 9 July. Do I have time to do my pumping? Imagine, working, finishing my thesis, come back home with house chores, baby, the boys, cooking and blablablaaa.. The list goes on...Plus, the travel I will face. Shah Alam- KL. KL- Shah Alam. You know how bad is the federal highway, right? Huhuhu.. 

So, anybody want my medela swing, I will give a good deal together with free gift! Free gift ok! Most of the stuff in the package I still haven't touch.  Hurry2..grab this opportunity! 

Medela Swing with free item. You don't need to think about ice pack, cooler bag, storage bag, it will all given to you!!! Senang complete and cheap gitu!

Autumz cooler bag lagi.. 

still under warranty ye. You can check the actual price here. I bought my medela swing there. 

Ok.. so far that's all for now. Next entry, I may post about my latest milk booster (still on trial). 
